Celebrate the Year of the Dog in Bali, with the acculturation of chinese culture and balinese culture Perfomances. We are present Chinese New Year 2018 "Sincia with Love" in Peninsula Island, Bali. Held on 24th February 2018-25th February 2018.Come and Enjoy the colourful venue, stage performances, traditional Chinese & Balinese food, and a special perfomance about love story between Jaya Pangus and Kang Cing Wei.
Nusa Dua Light Festival "The Jungle" is the second event to be held in Peninsula Island Nusa Dua Bali. It will be held on 08 December – 14 January 2018 and will be open from 03:00 – 10:00 pm. Various shapes of lanterns will be displayed adapting "The Jungle" theme lantern from small dinosaur to the gigantic t-rex and also performance of music and there is also food and beverages stands. You can enjoy the different atmosphere in every shapes of lanterns.
Annual event Nusa Dua Fiesta 2017 with a theme of “Love, Peace and Harmony”. Nusa Dua Fiesta event has been held for 20 years with the aim to raise awareness of all stakeholders of Nusa Dua Tourism Area including the local community, to increase the number of tourist arrivals, and to preserve art and culture.The event, which includes art, culture, music, exhibition and fun activities, is supported by all hotels and facilities in Nusa Dua area, Indonesia Chef Association (ICA), Regional Tourism Promotion Board (BPPD) Bali, the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of SOEs, Provincial Government of Bali and Badung Regency Government. Nusa Dua Fiesta 2016 was attended by no less than 83,000 people.
Nusa Dua Light Festival is the first event to be held in Peninsula Island Nusa Dua Bali. It will be held on 17 June – 30 July 2017 and will be open from 05:00 – 10:00 pm. Various shapes of lanterns will be displayed with a performance of music and there is also food and beverages stands. You can enjoy the different atmosphere in every shapes of lanterns.
BLUES IS MAKING FRIENDS 2017Save your Date with Blues marker on May, 26th & 27th 2017 only at our #PeninsulaIsland. Nusa Dua - BaliBe There Guys !!!EARLY BIRD only IDR 100.000 (26/27) or IDR 150.000 (26&27) start from NOW till March, 14th 2017PRE SALE only IDR 125.000 (26/27) or IDR 200.000 (26&27) start from March, 15th 2017 till April, 15th 2017ON THE SPOT only IDR 150.000 (26/27) or IDR 250.000 (26&27) start from April, 16th 2017 till May, 27th 2017Guest star : KRAKATAU REUNION, GUGUN BLUES SHELTER feat INDRA LESMANA, THE SIX STRINGS, BALAWAN GILANG RAMADHAN, CRAZY HORSE and Many more .. !Ticket available on : rajakarcis.com | Tokopedia | Bukalapak | KASKUS | OLX Indonesia | dewatatiket.com | ibudipjo.com | cognitix.com | indotix.com | Eventbrite — Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) #infobadung #infosingaraja #punapibali #halodenpasar #inforenonbali #infojembrana #balievent.info #PeninsulaIsland @krakataureunion @indralesmana @crazyhorsebali
Annual event of Ogoh - ogoh Parade Dresta Lango will be held on 27 March 2017 at 06.00PM in Nusa Dua Intersection. Enjoy the night before Silence Day in Bali.
Come and Join us at Peninsula Island Nusa Dua for experiencing Traditional Jegog Instrument