Nusa Dua Light Festival merupakan event tahunan yang telah diselenggarakan di Nusa Dua untuk yang ke empat kalinya. Event ini diselenggarakan untuk memberikan alternative atraksi hiburan bagi wisatawan pada periode Mei – Juli dengan menyuguhkan ratusan jenis lampion berbagai bentuk yang indah
For more information please please call 0361 771010 (ext. 113) or email
The first “Slide The City” ready to rock you in Bali.Register now at
Pesona Nusa Dua Fiesta merupakan annual event yang diadakan oleh PT Pengembangan Pariwisata Indonesia (Persero) / ITDC dimana event ini bertajuk Pesta Rakyat. Pesona Nusa Dua Fiesta telah terselenggara selama 22 Tahun. Berbagai macam artis nasional maupun international yang telah mengisi acara di Pesona Nusa Dua Fiesta, sebut saja, Isyana Sarasvati, GAC, Nidji, Andra and Thebackbone dan masih banyak lagi, selain itu berbagai macam komunitas dan pagelaran telah ditampilkan di Pesona Nusa Dua Fiesta ini, dari seni tari, body painting, parade ogoh ogoh, parade budaya, parade busana dan lain lain.Pesona Nusa Dua Fiesta merupakan event yang dapat menampung segala aspirasi masyarakat khususnya masyarakat lokal yang ingin menampilkan seni dan budaya mereka masing masing, selain itu Pesona Nusa Dua Fiesta juga memberikan warna baru di hari libur untuk datang dan bergabung dalam pagelaran budaya, musik dan atraksi yang berskala Internasional.Event Pesona Nusa Dua Fiesta tahun ini, akan menampilkan pertunjukan event yang berbeda seperti sebelumnya dengan mengkolaborasikan tiga (3) tema event diantaranya, Exotic Bali, This is Indonesia dan Mandiri International Night Run. Event ini tidak dipungut biaya masuk (FREE!), sehingga cocok untuk menghabiskan waktu liburan dengan pertunjukan spektakuler dari artis nasional, komunitas budaya, berbagai macam kuliner, area bermain dan lain sebagainya.Mandiri Badung International Night Run adalah rangkaian acara Pesona Nusa Dua Fiesta 2018 yang menampilkan kegiatan lari malam dengan berbagai kategori seperti 5K, 10K, Half Marathon dan Full Marathon. Info lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi laman berikut www.badungnightrun.comPesona Nusa Dua Fiesta 2018 berlangsung dari tanggal 28 September 2018 - 30 September 2018 di Pulau Peninsula, the Nusa Dua - Bali. Info lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi +6281 353 781 600 / +62 361
Will Happen Again 'Nusa Dua Light Festival' at Peninsula Islands, Nusa Dua on June 11, 2018 until July 15, 2018 with different themes and excitement. This time enlivened by the beautiful 'Dancing Fountain' which is a dancing fountain decorated with colorful LED lights. In addition, Peninsula Island will be decorated with many lanterns with Underwater theme. This event perfect to fill your vacation with family. There is f&b facilities and live music every day. The other exciting things that you can try is you can try Face painting, Sketch face, and various rides to play.
Bali Blues Festival is a festival that is held with the genre of blues music, the root of all genres of music in the world. Bali Blues Festival is an annual event organized by PT Pengembangan Pariwisata Indonesia (Persero) / Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) that managed the Nusa Dua Tourism Area which in its implementation is supported by Pregina Art & Showbiz. Bali Blues Festival is also supported by various parties and blues community in Bali. Peninsula Island as the event venue has an amazing view that is of great value. With a beautiful venue as a value added we have a very big determination to make Bali Blues Festival as an international music event.
Bali Heritage Food Festival is a festival for food lovers and culinary tours. This event will show all types of food from Indonesia Cuisine. The various types of food will spoil the tongue of food lovers. In addition there are any activities such as cooking classes, cooking battle, cooking competitions, food contest, and live music. The event was held on March 30-31, 2018 at Peninsula Island from 10:00 to 22:00 pm. See you…
Celebrate the Year of the Dog in Bali, with the acculturation of chinese culture and balinese culture Perfomances. We are present Chinese New Year 2018 "Sincia with Love" in Peninsula Island, Bali. Held on 24th February 2018-25th February 2018.Come and Enjoy the colourful venue, stage performances, traditional Chinese & Balinese food, and a special perfomance about love story between Jaya Pangus and Kang Cing Wei.
Nusa Dua Light Festival "The Jungle" is the second event to be held in Peninsula Island Nusa Dua Bali. It will be held on 08 December – 14 January 2018 and will be open from 03:00 – 10:00 pm. Various shapes of lanterns will be displayed adapting "The Jungle" theme lantern from small dinosaur to the gigantic t-rex and also performance of music and there is also food and beverages stands. You can enjoy the different atmosphere in every shapes of lanterns.